Abu Sayeed
English 21007
Prof. Rodwell
April 3, 2019
The writing strategies I used to write the technical description was brainstorming. I created a branching diagram for the technical description to brainstorm ideas. The technique was different than the previous assignment because the purpose was to develop writing strategies. I have never created a branching diagram to brainstorm ideas. The strategy was effective to stay within the scope of the assignment because the task was to identify each component of the Bazic Diamante pencil. Thus, creating the branching diagram help me to breakdown each component and I can visually see which component belong to the which subparts.
Furthermore, when I researched about Bazic Diamante Pencil, I kept asking questions to myself what makes the consumer buy the products, and investors invest money. The strategy was effective to stay within the scope of the assignment because one of the major tasks while writing was considering my audience. Thus, answering those questions while researching help me to identify that consumer will show interest in products if those products are cheap and if the product offers a unique feature. Similarly, I learned investors are more likely to show interest in products if the item contains unique parts and the product is environmentally friendly. Therefore, answering these questions while researching my writing became easier because I know which kind of word to use.
Then, I used the outline as my writing strategy because creating the outline I can get an overview of my essay since I can visually see what I will write in each paragraph. The strategy was effective because when I wrote down the outline then one of my paragraph was not flowing smoothly to the previous paragraph. I talks about why we should use mechanical pencil instead of describing the purpose of inventing mechanical pencil. Then I was able to restructure my essay by placing the paragraph next to another paragraph where my ideas flow smoothly. The structure of the technical description very important to help my audience understand the pencil. The strategy helps me to keep my description professional because I was able to structure my essay in a way where it flows smoothly and my audience would clearly understand each component of Bazic Diamante pencil.
Technical description assignment helped me to achieve course learning outcome strengthen my source use practice especially paraphrasing quotes from the website. For example, the actual information from the website said: “first, rather a primitive, mechanical pencil (or more of leadholder pencil) was invented in 1565 by Conrad Gesner, a Swiss naturalist, and bibliographer. The first mechanical pencil that had a mechanism that propelled the lead and whose lead could be replaced was patented in 1822 by Sampson Mordan and John Isaac Hawkins in Britain” (History of Mechanical Pencils – Invention and Inventor). However, then I paraphrased the quote and said that the idea of creating a mechanical pencil first came to the Conrad Gesner mind in 1565. He invented a pencil but the inside of it did not have a mechanism to push the lead forward to the lead sleeve. Instead, the mechanical pencil manually adjusted to sharpen it. Later on in 1822, Sampson Mordan and John Isaac Hawkins invented a mechanical pencil that had a mechanism that pushed the lead forward. In the introduction of my technical description, I paraphrased quotes successfully to provide essential background information about the mechanical pencil; thus, I achieved one of the course learning outcomes.
The assignment helped me to achieve another course learning outcome was my audience expectations regarding conventions of technical description. My audiences are expecting me to clearly describe the function of each component of Bazic Diamante pencil and how was the component unique to persuade my audience to buy the products and investors to invest money in the item. Therefore, in the technical description, I said that “the shaft serves as a protector of lead because extra lead piece stays inside it; as a result, the shaft stops the leads from breaking. Most importantly, the shaft is made of plastic so it can be recycled. Consequently, the shaft is environmentally friendly and the manufacturer can cheaply create Bazic Diamante pencils because recycling plastics are inexpensive”. Based on the statement above my audience can clearly understand the function of the shaft and plastic recycling encourage investors to invest money because the manufacturer can cheaply create the products. Therefore, I believe reading my technical description my audience would have a clear understanding of the mechanical pencil and it would encourage both investors to invest money on Bazic Diamante pencil and consumers to buy it.